Candy Crush Saga Level 120 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 120 Tips and Help
Landing into Candy Crush level 120 means you are about to face some difficulties as compared to previous few levels. The layout is a bit of adjustment and amendment to those you face in previous few levels in Peppermint Palace. However, with the guide and tips from this page, you are sure to pass this level safe and sound and will be keep enjoying the game into the next level. As you can see clearly that the horizontal meringue line will separate the board into upper and bottom area, your task is to break a path through that barrier so you can open up a channel for candy to flow down. Keep your eye on the chocolates and if possible, get rid of them so they do not keep replicating and stopping you from going further. You can use vertical candies which takes off 4 jellies in a single move when you do a correct placement. Watch the video walkthrough if you want to see how to play the level through an interactive guide.

Candy Crush Level 120 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 120 game
Level 120 – Peppermint Palace

Level 120 Difficulty and Target

Level 119 must passed in order to play Level 120. You are given 35 moves to clear all the jellies and score 50000 points as the criteria to beat the level. So make no redundant moves and keep crushing your way to next level with the steps you found here: break the meringue blocker row and create a channel for candies to flow. Achieve your level target while not forgetting to enjoy the process! The reward for Level 120 is to go to Level 121.

Level 120 Star Scores

??? 150000

?? 115000

? 50000

Candy Crush Saga Level 120 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 120 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 120 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

