Candy Crush Saga Level 70 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 70 Tips and Help
Finally, we have arrived Candy Crush level 70. The level 70 is the hardest level among first 100 levels for most people. It is also the hardest in Easter Bunny Hills. It is frustrating, annoying, maddening, and exasperating. All the candies in this level will not listen to you or go to where you want them to be. So, how to beat Candy Crush level 70 if it is so hard to be won? You definitely need cheats, hints, or strategy to win this level.

Before you begin, understand that the goal of this game is to clear all the jelly and score at least 60,000 points in 45 moves. The first thing to look at the board is your right hand side. Try to see if there is any good match above the licorice X blockers. Do not match any candy on top of the licorice X blockers because you will release the chocolate. You do not want the chocolate spread around. Start on the left if there is no good match on the right.

Make as much as horizontal striped candy at the bottom of left hand side so that you can use them to clear the chocolate without releasing the licorice X blockers. Create wrapped candies and use it together with horizontal striped candies to make a good explosion. Again, remember not to release the licorice X blockers in your first few moves. Focus to clear the chocolate whenever there is a chance.

Now all the chocolate should be gone, you can then break the licorice X blockers and concentrate to clear the jelly. They are all double jelly in Candy Crush level 70 so do not let go any chances where you can make wrapped candy, striped candy, or color bomb. Last but not least, they best tips to win level 70 is to hit the chocolate from the left hand side with horizontal striped candy. Try your best and be patient, you will sure win the level 70 with flying results. Do check out our video help below for more cheats, hints, and strategy to win Candy Crush level 70.

Candy Crush Level 70 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 70 game
Level 70 – Easter Bunny Hills

Level 70 Difficulty and Target

Level 69 must passed in order to play Level 70. The goal of the Candy Crush level 70 is to score 60,000 points and clear all the jelly in 40 moves. There are only 6 types of candy in this level but some are covered in double jelly. There are 8 chocolate blocked by four licorice X caged candies with double jelly underneath. With all these obstacles, this level is considered one of the most difficult Candy Crush Saga levels. Use the tips and hints shared in the video and you will score 150,000 points to get 3 stars in this level. Pass is a sure! The reward for Level 70 is to go to Level 71.

Level 70 Star Scores

??? 150000

?? 110000

? 60000

Candy Crush Saga Level 70 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 70 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 70 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

