Candy Crush Saga Level 192 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 192 Tips and Help
While you crushing into Candy Crush level 192 in the Caramel Cove level, you will find yourself welcomed by a fully occupied board with 4-layer meringues and marmalade coated candies, a total 6 of them. The key to win this level is to know where the candies are in the first place. Tips are given here, no worry about the locations. There are striped candies trapped inside the marmalade coated candies for sure, so you just need to start the level by freeing up those pieces with a few well placed matches. Take note that once you unlock some of them, there are no more new candies coming in. You need to find the best way to match those candies up. In other words, you need to strategically place your moves when there are no new candies dropping into the board. The balance of the moves must be well planned so that striped candies can be collected effectively. Note also that if you are able to combine two striped candies, just do it! It will create a domino effect and help you clear up the board pretty effectively. A few trial and error and you should make your way through. If you still need more guidance, a look at our video walk through may give you some sights on how to beat this level.

Candy Crush Level 192 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 192 game
Level 192 – Caramel Cove

Level 192 Difficulty and Target

Level 191 must passed in order to play Level 192. This is a collection type of level where you are required to collect 6 striped candies in 8 moves while score some 6000 points in the same time. Just put your focus on clearing the marmalade coated candies and make sure you get yourself enough spaces to collect the candies along the way with the making of striped candies. Use striped to the fullest. Happy crushing! The reward for Level 192 is to go to Level 193.

Level 192 Star Scores

??? 24000

?? 16000

? 6000

Candy Crush Saga Level 192 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 192 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 192 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

