Candy Crush Saga Level 212 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 212 Tips and Help
Sweet landing into Candy Crush level 212! Another surprisingly easy to pass level to play with, after all, you are in the Sweet Surprise episode! One thing good about this level is that you need not worry about the points at all because if you do things correctly, the color bombs will give you quite a good hand in achieving your target for this level! Read out loud, your goal is to collect five color bombs, and all of them are on the board! Yoohoo! No need to create the color bombs on your own, just need to know where they are and get them on hand! Furthermore, if you know how to play chain reaction, you can apply it to this level! What a super bonus level we have here, achieving the target points is simple, and collecting the color bombs which are all placed on board can be as simple as creating chain reaction! But how? Just utilise vertical striped candy to create one of the color bomb at the top, then mix it with a striped candy. Do not like this move? Try mixing a striped candy with tha marmalade coated color bomb at the bottom then. Sit back, relax, and watch the domino effect after first detonation. If you want to learn by watching how it can be done visually, check out the video walk through and you shall have your guide presented well for you, Sweet crushing!

Candy Crush Level 212 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 212 game
Level 212 – Sweet Surprise

Level 212 Difficulty and Target

Level 211 must passed in order to play Level 212. You need to score an easy 10000 points in the process of collecting 5 color bombs within 20 moves. Make vertical striped candies to your best use and free up the color bombs in the licorice block. Striped candy+color bomb could be a good strategy. The reward for Level 212 is to go to Level 213.

Level 212 Star Scores

??? 60000

?? 40000

? 10000

Candy Crush Saga Level 212 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 212 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 212 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

