The Candy Crush level 50 is the last level of Chocolate Moutains. Do not be afraid of the jelly and licorice X blockers because you are given 50 moves to clear them off and score 33,000 points. There are opportunities to make striped candies when you start the game. If you cannot make any, reset your board until you see a chance. Combine the power of a few striped candies so that you can clear the blockers faster. Move your step from outside all the way to the center and you can sure win this game without any stress. Check out the video help below and you will get a rough idea on how to beat the Candy Crush level 50.
Candy Crush Level 50 Rules
Level 50 – Chocolate Moutains
Level 50 Difficulty and Target
Level 49 must passed in order to play Level 50. There are candies covered in double jelly and some of them are blocked by licorice X blockers. 50 moves are very limited so make sure you do not waste any moves. The reward for Level 50 is to go to Level 51.
Level 50 Star Scores
??? 200000
?? 160000
? 33000
Candy Crush Saga Level 50 Strategy: Video Guide
Candy Crush Saga Level 50 – Video Help
Still can’t break through the level 50 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.
If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.