Candy Crush level 61 can be viewed as an upgraded challenge to level 60. Worry not as with our guide here, you are sure to pass this level easily. Even if you may not succeed in the first try, you can still easily breakthrough with only a few trial and error, provided you did learn from past 60 levels. The key to get pass this level is to apply the right strategy that you had done previously in past levels. Start by clearing the meringue, then work out the licorice and jelly and take care of the chocolate so it does not stop you from working through to the next level! You can always clear off the meringue with combos or matches of 3, and get rid of the licorice and jellies with striped plus wrapped combos or wrapped candies. The key is to take off large section as soon as you can. For the chocolate that seems to be replicating their way out, use special candies or combos to stop them.
Candy Crush Level 61 Rules
Level 61 – Minty Meadow
Level 61 Difficulty and Target
Level 60 must passed in order to play Level 61. While you have 50 moves to clear the jelly and make 70000 points in this level, use these simple hints that will beat the challenge: clear meringue first, then get rid of licorice and jelly while controlling the chocolates at the same time. Quite a straight forward solution right? The reward for Level 61 is to go to Level 62.
Level 61 Star Scores
??? 90000
?? 80000
? 70000
Candy Crush Saga Level 61 Strategy: Video Guide
Candy Crush Saga Level 61 – Video Help
Still can’t break through the level 61 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.
If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.