Candy Crush Saga Level 148 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 148 Tips and Help
Welcome to Candy Crush level 148, where you are going to play with ingredients. As you can see from the layout, there are 2-layers and 3-layers meringues evenly distributed across the board. The key to pass through the level is the use of both horizontal and vertical striped candy. Your first priority is to clear away the meringues and open up board spaces so you can bring down ingredients more effectively. Take note that new ingredients will only appear once you clear an existing ingredient, or after every 15 moves you make, yet you only got 45 moves for this level. Though you may find this level a bit difficult to beat, our video walk through will give you some insights and ideas on how to complete this level.

Candy Crush Level 148 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 148 game
Level 148 – Gingerbread Glade

Level 148 Difficulty and Target

Level 147 must passed in order to play Level 148. You are required to score 50000 points in 45 moves, free 2 cherries and 2 nuts along the way. Be sure of the location of the target ingredients, clear as much space for yourself as possible. Keep your eyes on the ingredients, after all your entertainment is sugar crushing! The reward for Level 148 is to go to Level 149.

Level 148 Star Scores

??? 130000

?? 110000

? 50000

Candy Crush Saga Level 148 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 148 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 148 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

