Candy Crush Saga Level 78 Tips: Hints, Help, Strategy to Win

Candy Crush Level 78 Tips and Help
The Candy Crush level 78 is easy but you cannot play it without paying attention too. There are 5 types of candy in play and there will be only 2 ingredients on the screen when you just start the game. The other 2 ingredients will then appear when you clear your first ingredient or after 10 moves spent. Now here is an important hint for this level – the column you place the ingredient is the key for you to win this level. There are only 3 exits for the ingredient in Candy Crush level 78 which is the middle three columns. It is impossible to win this level if you could not move the ingredients to the middle three column, so do it and do it right. Swap the ingredients towards where you need them to be.

Do not afraid of the transporter as they are good helpers for you in this level. Special candies or combos are useless if an ingredient is stuck in this level. Stuck zone are the second and third row count from the bottom. So, stay away from these places please. Check out our video help below for more cheats and strategy.

Candy Crush Level 78 Rules

Candy Crush Saga Level 78 game
Level 78 – Easter Bunny Hills

Level 78 Difficulty and Target

Level 77 must passed in order to play Level 78. The target to win this level is to free 4 ingredients in 50 moves and score 40,000 points. The reward for Level 78 is to go to Level 79.

Level 78 Star Scores

??? 160000

?? 100000

? 40000

Candy Crush Saga Level 78 Strategy: Video Guide

Candy Crush Saga Level 78 – Video Help

Still can’t break through the level 78 with our video help? Why not check out our Candy Crush Saga Tips & Strategy page for more details.

If the tips and strategy do not work for you, try our Candy Crush Saga Cheats and Hints then.

